Colorado Property Management Blog

landlord tips

Questions of the Week: 5 Tips for Landlords

5 Tips for Landlords Every landlord must have a solid strategy in place in order to get their property rented. A few questions that landlords have asked us are: Rental ...
Evictions in Denver

[Updated] CDC Eviction Moratorium Order for Nonpayment of Rent

September 22, 2020 Update: HUD Finalizes Changes to Disparate Impact Rule applies to all Landlords for the 30-day ent demand. On September 22, 2020, Governor Jared Polis issued an executive ...
Landlord Insurance

How to Safely and Effectively Rent Out Your Home During COVID 19

Like many Coloradans, everyone at Colorado Realty & Property Management has been keeping a close eye on the Colorado COVID-19 rules, guidance, and phases. COVID-19 has affected just about everything ...
Why It Makes Sense to Hire a Property Manager

[UPDATED] Why It Makes Sense to Hire a Property Manager

There's certainly a large market for rental properties and a high demand to hire a property manager. In 2019, CNBC reported that investing in property was still one of the ...
Why is it important to have your property rent ready?

[UPDATED] Company-wide Work From Home Protocol

Work From Home COVID Announcement Update: March 16, 2020 At Colorado Realty and Property Management, Inc. (CRPM), we implemented a "Work From Home" protocol.  We want to ensure that we’re ...
Financing Investment Property: 4 Helpful Tips For Better Mortgage Rates

Financing Investment Property: 4 Helpful Tips For Better Mortgage Rates

You’re on to something great and decided to purchase an investment property. Congratulations! In a world of Flip or Flop, Airbnb, and Rich Dad, Poor Dad, many home buyers are ...