Speaking to the committee (limited to 2 minutes per person) is extremely important. It demonstrates widespread opposition and the political costs of supporting the bill. The committee offers you both in-person and Zoom call options for speaking. While nothing is more effective than the live presence of people at the capital opposed to a bill, the Zoom option is an extremely convenient way to … [Continue reading...]
For Lease or For Sale but not both at the same time
We encourage people who want to sell their homes, to sell their homes. We can assist with the sales process and have a real estate department within our company. There are benefits to working with us especially if leasing your property is an option if it is not sold. We have found that there can be a tremendous conflict of interest when property owners are trying to do both at the same time and … [Continue reading...]
Fence Laws in Colorado

The most common problem you may encounter as a homeowner is a neighbor dispute. Fences are one of the most common issues that lead to tension between neighbors. Being proactive and learning Colorado Fence Laws will reduce the likelihood of getting into an argument with a neighbor. It will not only benefit you in the end, but will also save you thousands of dollars in court costs if you decide to … [Continue reading...]
Discrimination Based On Source Of Income Is Prohibited By Law
Colorado Civil Rights Division announces that, as of January 1, 2021, discrimination based on source of income is prohibited by law DENVER -- The Colorado Civil Rights Commission (CCRD) is reminding Coloradans that, as of January 1, 2021, refusing to rent, lease, show for rent or lease, or transmit an offer to rent or lease housing based on a person's source of income is prohibited by law under … [Continue reading...]
Renting a Fort Collins Property During Off Season

Here are 5 recommendations for renting out your property during the off season. Real estate generally slows down during the winter months. Since we are in an area that freezes during winter, please don't forget to turn off the water to your sprinkler system and drain any of the outdoor water spigots. Are you looking for tips to become a successful landlord? We provide free rental estimates. To … [Continue reading...]
How to Safely and Effectively Rent Out Your Home During COVID 19

Like many Coloradans, everyone at Colorado Realty & Property Management has been keeping a close eye on the Colorado COVID-19 rules, guidance, and phases. COVID-19 has affected just about everything in our day-to-day lives from how we shop to how we look at leasing and renting our homes. If you are planning to rent out your home in the near future, we're here to help! Read on for our … [Continue reading...]